Reservation Booking Engine
Your Web site is your most valuable marketing tool. It connects to your customers. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week it display your wares.
The ReservationsONLINE Booking Engine becomes part of your website and makes easy for guests to book online.

- What makes the ReservationsOnline Booking Engine so great?
- Customizable to match the appearance of your Web site.
- Always displays the most current availability and rates.
- Customizable text message areas to supply your own wording.
- Enforces minimum length of stay rules.
- Allows for multiple unit bookings.
- Displays multiple individual unit photographs.
- Allows you to offer discounts.
- Validation to ensure accurate guest information is entered.
- Encryption for securing credit card and guest data.
- Verified Hacker Safe operating environment.
- Digital signature for guest to indicate they understand your policies.
- Validation of credit card numbers.
- The ability to sell packages and other additional items.
- The ability to charge housekeeping, pet and damage waiver fees.
- Fully customizable guest confirmation and follow-up letters.
- Allows you to set the cut-off time for reservations for this evening.
- No double bookings.
- Online bookings are immediately entered into your database.
- Eliminates data entry for online bookings.
- and more....